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Version: v0.4.x

Migrating from an Indy SDK Wallet to Aries Askar

This documentation explains the process of migrating your Indy SDK wallet to Aries Askar.


While the migration script technically works on node.js, it is strongly advised not to use it, yet. The migration of issuer records (such as Schemas and Credential Definitions) is not implemented yet. When a credential definition is detected it will revert the migration process and no harm is done.


Postgres is not supported. If you are using postgres with Indy SDK and need to update to Aries Askar, please open an issue on GitHub.


The migration script is supported to run on 0.3.x before migrating from 0.3.x to 0.4.x. Please refer to Migrating from AFJ 0.3.x to 0.4.x to get to 0.4.x afterwards.

It is important to note that this script must be ran before you update from 0.3.x to 0.4.x.

What does the migration do internally?

The migration script does the following to make sure everything is migrated properly, and if anything goes wrong, it will revert back to a working state.

Create a backup

Because undefined behavior might occur, we create a backup in the new tmp directory from Aries Framework JavaScript. if some error occurs, it will be reverted back to the backed-up state and if no error occurs, it will delete the backup from the temporary directory.

Migrate the database to an Aries Askar structure

The Indy-sdk and Aries Askar have different database structures. So first of all we need to change some table names, decrypt all the items with the old Indy keys, encrypt the items with the new Aries Askar keys and store them inside the new structure.

Try to open the wallet in the new Aries Askar structure

When the wallet is correctly transformed, the wallet will be attempted to be opened.

Update the keys

Aries Askar has a specific way to store keys and every key, defined by the category of Indy::Key will be migrated.

Update the DIDs


This update script does not transform did records. This is fine for something like did:peer, but will cause issues with indy and sov DIDs. For more information, please check out the Migrating from AFJ 0.3.x to 0.4.x

Update the credential definitions


Updating of credential definitions is not yet supported. This is why it is strongly advised not to run this script in a node.js environment.

The link secrets, identified by the category Indy::MasterSecret, are updated next. They are stored inside a new AnonCredsLinkSecretRecord.


Since we have to set a default link secret, some additional logic is added to detect this. You can either supply a defaultLinkSercetId as a constructor parameter or it will be based on your walletId.

If there is no Indy record with the defaultLinkSecretId or the walletId, an error will be thrown and the migration will be restored.

Update the credentials

The credentials, identified by the category Indy::Credential are updated last. They are stored in the new AnonCredsCredentialRecord as a one-to-one copy. This means that they now support more tags and will make querying a lot easier.

All the other records

All the other records will be transferred without any updates as they are not Indy specific.

How to update

Updating does not require a lot of code, but must be done with caution.

It is very important to note that the migration script only has to be run once. If it runs for a second time, it will error saying that the database is already migrated. Also, when the migration is finished, it is common practice to store this state in your persistent app storage. This script does not provide a way to detect if an update has happened, so storing this value will prevent the script from running every time. For more information regarding this topic, please check out Update Assistant.

add the required dependencies:

yarn add @hyperledger/aries-askar-react-native @aries-framework/indy-sdk-to-askar-migration react-native-fs

Below is the minimal code required for the migration to work. It is recommended to turn the logger on as it gives a lot of information regarding the migration.


The agent is not allowed to be initialized to run this script. This makes sure nothing else happens during the migration.

import { agentDependencies } from '@aries-framework/react-native'
import { AskarModule } from '@aries-framework/askar'
import { IndySdkToAskarMigrationUpdater } from '@aries-framework/indy-sdk-to-askar-migration'
import { ariesAskar } from '@hyperledger/aries-askar-react-native'

const oldAgent = new Agent({
config: {
/* ... */
modules: {
ariesAskar: new AskarModule({
dependencies: agentDependencies,

const dbPath = '' // see section below

const updater = await IndySdkToAskarMigrationUpdater.initialize({ dbPath, agent })
await updater.update()

Getting the database path


On android, the database is commonly located under the ExternalDirectoryPath.

If you did not follow the default indy-sdk for React Native setup, your path might differ. Check out step 5 of the Android setup for Indy SDK React Native for the default behavior.

import fs from 'react-native-fs'

const base = fs.ExternalDirectoryPath
const indyClient = '.indy_client'
const wallet = 'wallet'
const walletId =
const file = 'sqlite.db'

const dbPath = `${base}/${indyClient}/${wallet}/${walletId}/${file}`


On iOS, the database is commonly located under the DocumentDirectoryPath.

For iOS this can only change if your phone does not have the HOME environment variable set. This is not usual behavior, and if HOME is not set, the base in the code section below will be /home/indy/Documents.

import fs from 'react-native-fs'

const base = fs.DocumentDirectoryPath
const indyClient = '.indy_client'
const wallet = 'wallet'
const walletId =
const file = 'sqlite.db'

const dbPath = `${base}/${indyClient}/${wallet}/${walletId}/${file}`