In this section we will explain some features that everyone will use. This includes setting up your Credo agent, creating a connection between Aries agents, issuing a credential and verifying a proof.
🗃️ Agent Config
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📄️ Create a connection
In this tutorial we will create a connection as Acme Corp with Bob. We will
📄️ Cheqd Did Module
In this tutorial we will see how to use the cheqd modules in detail
📄️ Registering a schema and credential definition on an AnonCreds Registry
In this tutorial we will register a schema and credential definition on an AnonCredsRegistry e.g. Hyperledger Indy ledger indy-vdr, cheqd.
📄️ Issue an AnonCreds credential over DIDComm
In this tutorial we will issue an AnonCreds credential from the Issuer to a Holder over DIDComm. We will start with setting up both their agents with the minimal configuration required to follow this tutorial. It is assumed that there is a connection between the Issuer and the Holder and the Issuer also has a registered schema and credential definition. After initializing the Issuer will send a credential to the holder, and will then accept this credential and automatically store it in their wallet.
📄️ Mediation
This section assumes that you have:
🗃️ OpenID for Verifiable Credentials
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