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Version: v0.4.x

Postgres Setup for windows

Build Environment Prerequisites

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Community Edition 2022
  2. Install git for windows
  3. Download rust for windows here
  4. Make sure you have already setup libindy for windows from here

Step 1: Getting dependencies

  • Download the prebuilt dependencies here
  • Extract them
  • Point path to this directory using environment variables:
    • set INDY_PREBUILT_DEPS_DIR=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set INDY_CRYPTO_PREBUILT_DEPS_DIR=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set MILAGRO_DIR=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set LIBZMQ_PREFIX=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set SODIUM_LIB_DIR=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set OPENSSL_DIR=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps
    • set PATH=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdk-deps\lib

Step 2: Build Postgres plugin

Building Postgres plugin from the indy-sdk repo with cargo.

Step 2.1: Cloning the indy-sdk

git clone

cd indy-sdk\experimental\plugins\postgres_storage

Step 2.2: Building Postgres plugin

If this step throws any errors, it might be because of the environment. Step 1 of this guide provided the dependencies that are required.

cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

The library indystrgpostgres.dll file will be located at indy-sdk\experimental\plugins\postgres_storage\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release

Step 2.3: Setting the file to PATH

  • set LIB_INDY_STRG_POSTGRES=C:\Users\{WINDOWS_USER}\Downloads\indy-sdklexperimental\plugins\postgres_storage\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release

or Alternatively you can copy the indystrgpostgres.dll file to c:\\windows\\system32\\