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Version: v0.3.x

Apple (Intel)

In this section, we will discuss the specific installation of the dependencies for Apple computers with an Intel processor.

This installation assumes that you have brew installed. If not, please install it via this command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


NodeJS is the most popular JavaScript runtime environment excluding browsers. It can run on your desktop or even a server.

brew install nodejs


The Node Package Manager comes pre-bundles with the NodeJS installation from above.


Only required when not using npm

For every platform, the installation of yarn is the same.

npm install --global yarn


The indy-sdk is used by Aries Framework JavaScript for all of its lower level functionality, like cryptography, ledger interaction and much more.

The indy-sdk has not been distributed properly for macOS. We have made a brew tap for libindy and it will also install all of the required dependencies.

brew install blu3beri/libindy/libindy

Confirm installation

To see whether the indy-sdk is properly installed, run the following command and it should not error.

npx -p @aries-framework/node@^0.3 is-indy-installed