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Version: v0.3.x


This guide assumes you have followed the install guides for the framework (See Getting Started section) for your platform and a valid Node.js project setup.

Quick Setup

Using the CLI is the easiest way to get started with REST API.

You can do this directly on your machine.

Directly on computer

After installing and confirming that Libindy is installed, simply run:

npx -p @aries-framework/rest afj-rest start \
--label "AFJ Rest" \
--wallet-id "walletId" \
--wallet-key "walletKey" \
--endpoint http://localhost:5000 \
--admin-port 3000 \
--outbound-transport http \
--inbound-transport http 5000

The REST API provides an OpenAPI schema that can easily be viewed using the SwaggerUI that is provided with the server. The endpoint documentation can be viewed at the /docs endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:3000/docs).


To find out all available configuration options from the CLI, you can run the CLI command with --help. This will print a full list of all available options.

npx -p @aries-framework/rest afj-rest start --help